Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)


Girl Cave Rose. Prince Dark Mirror. Crow Cellar Ring. One has the sense that Helen Oyeyemi thinks in threes. Also that she views the world through a slightly skewed lens. Hamish Hamilton - Penguin, 2014 But Boy, Snow, Bird is not simply a random collection of resonant images

Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)2020-05-20T13:54:35-04:00

Michael Cunningham’s By Nightfall (2010)


Michael Cunningham's By Nightfall Harper Collins, 2010 I read Michael Cunningham's first novel, A Home at the End of the World last month, and wholly enjoyed it. Nearly as much as The Hours, but the bookishness of the latter (or, perhaps I should say, the Woolfishness) left it in the

Michael Cunningham’s By Nightfall (2010)2020-10-01T12:50:47-04:00
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