Suzette Mayr’s Dr. Edith Vane and the Hares of Crawley Hall (2017)


It's not quite as bad as Edith's dreams. Not quite. But almost. And that's because Suzette Mayr has a way of writing that pricks beneath the skin. "That night Edith dreams of hares. Hares hanging by their necks, throttled by catgut in a thicket of trees. Someone has executed

Suzette Mayr’s Dr. Edith Vane and the Hares of Crawley Hall (2017)2017-09-13T09:11:50-04:00

Linda Svendsen’s Sussex Drive (2012)


“Number One, satire is not on. Critics love it, real people turn it off." That from the satirical novel Easy to Like*, which takes on Canadian media just as Linda Svendsen takes on Canadian politics in Sussex Drive. Of course, Edward Riche was satirizing the idea of satire

Linda Svendsen’s Sussex Drive (2012)2014-03-20T14:55:47-04:00

Weekend Sampler: Featuring Edward Riche’s Easy to Like


"Reality is for people who can't handle fiction -- and that is mostly everybody." Elliot Johnson has been writing screenplays in LA, but he's been having trouble selling his fictions. House of Anansi, 2011 That's Elliot Johnson. Or Elliot Johnston, or Elliot Jonson: it depends which document you're

Weekend Sampler: Featuring Edward Riche’s Easy to Like2014-03-20T14:55:37-04:00

Virago Holtby’s Poor Caroline VMC No. 192 (1931)


Even though it was described as "easily the wittiest novel of the season" when it was published in 1931, I wasn't expecting to find Poor Caroline so amusing. Not laugh-out-loud hilarity, no, but many quiet chuckles, gentle hrumphs, and the occasional indignant snort at Mr. Johnson's impressions of women, which

Virago Holtby’s Poor Caroline VMC No. 192 (1931)2014-02-27T15:29:04-05:00
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