Margaret Millar’s The Fiend (1964; 2016)


From the outset, The Fiend has a creepy element which readers hadn't yet experienced in the fiction Margaret Millar had published theretofore. "She was about nine. Having watched them all impartially now for two weeks, Charlie had come to like her the best." You're afraid to ask, aren't you: why

Margaret Millar’s The Fiend (1964; 2016)2017-07-26T13:34:30-04:00

Margaret Millar’s How Like an Angel (1962)


Exploring in the back country of Santa Barbara County California, Margaret Millar discovered a group of abandoned buildings on top of a ridge of the Santa Ynez mountains. The view was incredible: the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Ynez valley, Lake Cachuma, and the San Rafael mountains, along with a main

Margaret Millar’s How Like an Angel (1962)2020-08-19T08:28:08-04:00

The Promise Falls Trilogy


Promise Falls has a history. You might not think so, but it matters. “Are we too insignificant up here: A couple of hours away from New York? Is that what we’re foolish enough to think? Let me tell you something, my friend. You want to strike fear into the hearts

The Promise Falls Trilogy2017-01-06T11:04:07-05:00

Steven Price’s By Gaslight (2016)


Steven Price began as a poet, so the hype surrounding his new novel, By Gaslight, must have been disconcerting. But that's appropriate, because it is intended to be a disconcerting story. McClelland & Stewart - PRH, 2016 The majority of readers probably won't be interested in either the rumours surrounding

Steven Price’s By Gaslight (2016)2021-06-04T14:59:55-04:00

Page-turners and other gripping reads


What's interesting about each of these novels is that none fits a traditional model in the suspense genre. Shari Lapena's The Couple Next Door is the closest to a conventional thriller. But even her novel spends more time on characterization and atmosphere than many loyal genre readers would tolerate. Nonetheless, she

Page-turners and other gripping reads2020-10-01T12:57:47-04:00
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