The Fold’s 2016 Reading List (Part Five, Final)


The FOLD (The Festival of Literary Diversity) is an annual event, in Brampton (Ontario, Canada) dedicated to telling more stories, to having audiences connect with a wider variety of storytellers. You can check out their lineup of terrific writers and storytellers who were a part of the debut festival in May

The Fold’s 2016 Reading List (Part Five, Final)2016-11-24T13:13:24-05:00

Catherine Cooper’s White Elephant (2016)


A white elephant was historically bestowed as a burden which had the outward appearance of a gift; a courtier charged with its care and upkeep would have a beautiful creature to display, but the weight of the responsibility undeniable. Freehand Books, 2016 In Catherine Cooper's debut novel, the question

Catherine Cooper’s White Elephant (2016)2016-06-16T19:41:15-04:00

‘Tis the Season…for Mosquitoes


So, it's past the middle of November, so I'm surprised to find myself surrounded by so many mosquitoes. First in the fifth volume of Laura Ingalls Wilder's series, On the Shores of Silver Lake. Living so close to the land, the other residents are regularly brushing elbows (and paws and wings

‘Tis the Season…for Mosquitoes2015-11-26T14:38:02-05:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Little, Brown and Company, 2015

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)2020-03-31T12:14:55-04:00

January 2015, In My Reading Log


Ater a year of new-new-new, January has been filled with the familiar, the known. It's not been about making new-shiny-library-residing friends, but about becoming better acquainted with long-time residents of my own bookshelves, remembering what drew particular authors onto my MRE (MustReadEverything) list and particular books onto my shelves. Have

January 2015, In My Reading Log2020-10-01T12:53:35-04:00
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