Late-Summer Reading: When and Where


For the past couple of weeks, I have been listening to Joseph Boyden's Through Black Spruce on my daily walks. I was walking in full summer, listening to descriptions of winter in Moose Factory in Northern Ontario. The clusters of cloud in the story were from the exhaust of snowmobiles in

Late-Summer Reading: When and Where2017-07-20T17:34:26-04:00

Irish Short Stories: Fairy Tales and Wonder Tales


The summer that I was eleven, my grandmother went to Ireland; she brought me back a sweater, which was real wool and, therefore, very picky, and two books of Irish fairy tales. That sweater should have been perfect for me, because I was a picky granddaughter, who believed that I

Irish Short Stories: Fairy Tales and Wonder Tales2014-03-15T19:42:17-04:00

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books


Teju Cole, Open City Recorded Books, 2011 Reader: Kevin Mambo It was fitting that this was my first audiobook of 2012; I was walking the streets of my own city, listening to this story, while the narrator, Julius, was walking the streets of New York City. He is walking, the birds

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books2021-07-02T16:34:21-04:00

But But But


Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna Harper Collins, 2008 Both Kingsolver and Waters are on my MRE lists. Some of their books are amongst my ATF (All Time Favourites) and even when I'm less fond of a theme or a set of characters in their works I still enjoy the books because

But But But2014-03-09T14:45:52-04:00

Old Dog, New Bookish Trick


Kathryn Stockett's The Help Penguin, 2009 I don't listen to a lot of audiobooks; it's not that I have a philosophical stance against them, I'm just old-fashioned, so the first inclination is to pick up the book. But what I do quite enjoy is having both options, so that if

Old Dog, New Bookish Trick2014-03-09T13:38:41-04:00
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