Tracey Lindberg’s Birdie (2016)


Even when Bernice is liked, she's not necessarily liked for the person she is, but for the person someone believes her to be.  This is largely why she leaves herself, why she learns to fly. "I wonder how fascinated she’d be if she knew that I’d been fucked before I

Tracey Lindberg’s Birdie (2016)2016-11-21T12:05:04-05:00

Rising: The Emperor of Paris


One might think that writers of bookish books would go on and on, produce vast treatises on their love of books and literature, but many bookish books are slim volumes. Consider Carlos Maria Dominguez's The House of Paper (2004), Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 (1953), and Bohumil Hrabal’s Too Loud a Solitude (1976; Trans.

Rising: The Emperor of Paris2020-05-21T16:07:46-04:00

Catherine M.A. Wiebe’s Second Rising (1984)


Catherine M.A. Wiebe’s Second Rising (1984) Blue Butterfly Books, 2009 Thanks to Melwyk, who bookchatted about this first novel in such a way (at The Indextrious Reader) that I simply had to follow up. And in the immediate way. Not in the still-lingering-on-the-TBR-list-years-later kind of way. (Not that there’s anything

Catherine M.A. Wiebe’s Second Rising (1984)2014-03-11T20:10:24-04:00
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