Jonathan Bennett’s The Colonial Hotel (2014)


Readers might expect a retelling of the ancient Greek tale of Paris and Helen to be a bulky, wordy novel as useful for propping up a window on a hot summer day as for entertainment; but Jonatham Bennett's contemporary version of the story is a slim, polished novel that one would need to

Jonathan Bennett’s The Colonial Hotel (2014)2014-08-15T14:25:04-04:00

Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)


“We crave narrative,” Joe tells us. And the Reader who picks up Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man nods: a narrative craver. ECW Press, 2014 “We believe we are uninteresting without a compelling story.” But Joe himself no longer finds his story compelling. The Reader meets Joe when

Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)2014-07-11T16:34:12-04:00

Amanda Leduc’s The Miracles of Ordinary Men (2013)


When the angels invaded the plotline of "Supernatural", I stopped watching weekly. I prefer stone rabbits and hedgehogs in my flowerbeds, over white winged statues. And when a girlfriend told me that the child she lost at full-term is an angel now, I struggled to keep my face expressionless, silently repeating

Amanda Leduc’s The Miracles of Ordinary Men (2013)2014-07-11T16:38:15-04:00

Stacey May Fowles’ Infidelity (2013)


Three for three: I've read all three of Stacey May Fowles' novels straight-through. It just happened. But although it was true of  Be Good and Fear of Fighting, I was prepared to take my time with Infidelity, an emotionally exhausting subject. But, then, it happened again. Perhaps it simply comes down

Stacey May Fowles’ Infidelity (2013)2014-05-13T14:35:30-04:00

Read in One Sitting: Watch How We Walk


There is no great mystery at the heart of Jennifer LoveGrove's debut novel. No simple explanation for the way its pages turn, relentlessly. Emily's story is a quiet story, the ground beneath her feet shifting subtly, though inexorably. In relaying her story to readers, Jennifer LoveGrove makes a series of

Read in One Sitting: Watch How We Walk2014-07-11T16:48:33-04:00
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