Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)


If a story's beginning looks at its reflection in a room made of mirrors, does it see its own beginning-self reflected back? Or is the reflection actually the story's ending? Hamish Hamilton, 2016 This is the kind of question that I can imagine keeps Jay Hosking up late

Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)2016-08-18T09:15:26-04:00

Catherine Cooper’s White Elephant (2016)


A white elephant was historically bestowed as a burden which had the outward appearance of a gift; a courtier charged with its care and upkeep would have a beautiful creature to display, but the weight of the responsibility undeniable. Freehand Books, 2016 In Catherine Cooper's debut novel, the question

Catherine Cooper’s White Elephant (2016)2016-06-16T19:41:15-04:00
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