Jonathan Bennett’s The Colonial Hotel (2014)


Readers might expect a retelling of the ancient Greek tale of Paris and Helen to be a bulky, wordy novel as useful for propping up a window on a hot summer day as for entertainment; but Jonatham Bennett's contemporary version of the story is a slim, polished novel that one would need to

Jonathan Bennett’s The Colonial Hotel (2014)2014-08-15T14:25:04-04:00

Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)


Girl Cave Rose. Prince Dark Mirror. Crow Cellar Ring. One has the sense that Helen Oyeyemi thinks in threes. Also that she views the world through a slightly skewed lens. Hamish Hamilton - Penguin, 2014 But Boy, Snow, Bird is not simply a random collection of resonant images

Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)2020-05-20T13:54:35-04:00

Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites (2013)


Who is Agnes? Little, Brown and Company, 2013 "Criminal. The word hangs in the air. Heavy, unmoved by the bluster of the wind. I want to shake my head. That word does not belong to me, I want to say. It doesn’t fit me or who I am.

Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites (2013)2014-06-26T14:34:44-04:00

Wayne Johnston’s The Son of a Certain Woman (2013)


"The Son of A Certain Woman. You don’t have to have read Joyce to 'get' it. But it’s a touch more fun if you have." And that is because it is Wayne Johnston's "Joyce book". Which one might take to mean that it's about the Joyce family. (Primarily about Percy

Wayne Johnston’s The Son of a Certain Woman (2013)2014-07-11T16:38:32-04:00

Kim Echlin’s Inanna (2003)


"I like telling stories of women who act on their passions." "I like these strong female characters." "When I talk with readers I feel an enormous appetite in women to explore both their strength and their emotional connectedness, which still tend not to be honoured in the dominant culture."* Any

Kim Echlin’s Inanna (2003)2014-03-20T15:24:28-04:00
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