“Working for a Living” Alice Munro


Many of the themes which resurface in Alice Munro's fiction play an important role in "Working for a Living". 2006; Vintage, 2008 One of the first which strikes readers is the question of town versus country, which plays such a predominant role in both Lives of Girls and

“Working for a Living” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:24:22-04:00

Deryn Collier’s Mysteries: All-too-believable


Simon & Schuster, 2014 Just as one character follows another's gaze, readers of Deryn Collier's mysteries will find their perspective shifting. "The cafe was starting to fill with lunch customers. Duke Forsberg stayed in place, rolling his now-empty coffee cup between his meaty hands. He stared straight ahead

Deryn Collier’s Mysteries: All-too-believable2014-05-28T14:08:40-04:00

Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)


“We crave narrative,” Joe tells us. And the Reader who picks up Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man nods: a narrative craver. ECW Press, 2014 “We believe we are uninteresting without a compelling story.” But Joe himself no longer finds his story compelling. The Reader meets Joe when

Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)2014-07-11T16:34:12-04:00

Margaret Drabble’s The Pure Gold Baby (2013)


One might say that the narrator of Margaret Drabble's novel is an anthropologist of sorts. Perhaps that would be misleading, however: "Anthropology is full of strange spirit stories, about shamans and witchcraft and night ridings and animal shape-shiftings, stories which hover between myth and fairytale and religion and tribal memories

Margaret Drabble’s The Pure Gold Baby (2013)2019-08-07T09:52:51-04:00
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