Lynn Coady’s Hellgoing (2013)


Reading Hellgoing makes me wonder about Lynn Coady's personal relationships. Not for the obvious reasons that other readers might identify, stories like "Body Condom" and "Play the Monster Blind". But because I imagine that in order to write a short story, she disappears for a spell. I imagine she crawls

Lynn Coady’s Hellgoing (2013)2014-07-11T17:21:43-04:00

Cary Fagan’s A Bird’s Eye (2013)


Readers have an elevated view of the events in Cary Fagan's A Bird's Eye. "Over streets, over the buildings of the university with the zigzag pattern on their roofs, over the playing fields towards the downtown." And, yet, readers glimpse, in the opening chapters, all the characters necessary for an

Cary Fagan’s A Bird’s Eye (2013)2022-02-02T19:27:06-05:00

Colin McAdam’s A Beautiful Truth (2013)


In bookish synchronicity, when a friend and I met one summer morning to go book-shopping, each of us had begun reading A Beautiful Truth the previous evening. We had both read only about 50 pages, so were hesitant to commit to loving it too soon, but we shared that excitement

Colin McAdam’s A Beautiful Truth (2013)2022-02-07T15:00:02-05:00

Lawrence Hill’s The Book of Negroes (2007)


Last summer, walking in Little Jamaica in Toronto, I picked up a copy of a community newspaper with a cover image of protesters overseas burning the cover of Lawrence Hill's The Book of Negroes. HarperCollins, 2007 Book burning: it's a headline-grab alright. It certainly captured this reader's attention.

Lawrence Hill’s The Book of Negroes (2007)2021-02-01T10:55:31-05:00

Dan Vyleta’s The Quiet Twin (2011)


Dan Vyleta's The Quiet Twin Harper Collins, 2011 Dan Vyleta's The Quiet Twin is like Hitchcock's "Rear Window" gone wrong-er. There's no Technicolor; imagine everyone is dressed in black, and that some individuals conceal an over-sized pocket-knife. Instead of the director cameo, there is a little blonde girl with pigtails

Dan Vyleta’s The Quiet Twin (2011)2014-07-11T17:22:13-04:00
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