Sticky Authors? About Me and Edith


! Do you have an author in whose works you repeatedly get stuck? Doncha love the '80s cover? You're just sure you're going to love them, but you can't seem to read them? That's what had happened with me and Edith Wharton. Well, that's not entirely

Sticky Authors? About Me and Edith2017-09-13T10:36:05-04:00

What’s in My Bookbag


Earlier this year it occurred to me that reading more than a dozen books at once wasn't really working out. I don't have long spans of hours for reading every day, so this inevitably means that some books just don't get read. For days and days and sometimes

What’s in My Bookbag2014-03-15T19:57:15-04:00

A Bookish Book: Romantic Moderns


When I run up against the term 'modernism' I turn the other way. (I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with Ulysses.) But, when I come across the term 'romantic' I turn back. (I know the reason for this: it lies with the epigraph to Possession, which

A Bookish Book: Romantic Moderns2014-03-15T20:09:32-04:00

A Literary Three-Way: About a Boy? (I)


In eleventh-grade English class, we studied "Oedipus Rex" and I fell in love with the idea that a story so old could still be compelling. But the idea of reading these classic texts outside a classroom seemed unthinkable. You know how some books become all-the-more intimidating the longer you leave

A Literary Three-Way: About a Boy? (I)2014-03-15T20:13:12-04:00

Roopa Farooki’s The Flying Man (2012)


Headline - Review, 2012 The Flying Man opens in 2012, in France; our hero is preparing to die, looking back on his life. He's in Biarritz, but wouldn't it sound better to say that he was in Paris? And wouldn't it sound better to say that he is

Roopa Farooki’s The Flying Man (2012)2014-03-15T20:12:14-04:00
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