Carrianne K.Y. Leung’s The Wondrous Woo (2013)


It's possible that the readers who will warm most fervently to The Wondrous Woo are those readers who feel a connection with a passage like this: Inanna Publications, 2013 "The first episode had come after an incident at the Woolco cafeteria when I was ten. It was $1.44

Carrianne K.Y. Leung’s The Wondrous Woo (2013)2017-07-24T14:38:24-04:00

Kim Fu’s For Today I Am a Boy (2014)


For Today I Am a Boy is a very ordinary story, told in a gentle and quiet voice. Kim Fu's novel does not challenge vehemently, like Ghalib Islam's brash debut or Helen Oyeyemi's Boy, Snow, Bird. "My father stood on the step and watched with me. It was the fall

Kim Fu’s For Today I Am a Boy (2014)2020-10-22T12:26:50-04:00

Greg Kearney’s The Desperates (2013)


In the beginning, Joel gets a new job. It's a moment that might be filled with potential, promise. He could be the figure on the cover of the novel, leaping into the air. Alternatively, Joel could be that figure on the cover and be plummeting to the earth, about to

Greg Kearney’s The Desperates (2013)2020-10-22T12:22:44-04:00

Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)


Girl Cave Rose. Prince Dark Mirror. Crow Cellar Ring. One has the sense that Helen Oyeyemi thinks in threes. Also that she views the world through a slightly skewed lens. Hamish Hamilton - Penguin, 2014 But Boy, Snow, Bird is not simply a random collection of resonant images

Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)2020-05-20T13:54:35-04:00

Nick Cutter’s The Troop (2014)


A Stephen King blurb. And, it's declared: a novel of terror. Nick Cutter's readers know what they're in for. And, if there was any doubt, little clues speckle the first few chapters. Readers are "waiting for unknown wickedness". There are shadows coalescing into permanence and logs groaning. There is a sheet

Nick Cutter’s The Troop (2014)2014-03-03T18:45:39-05:00
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