The Inseparables, Tobacco Wars, I’m Still Here


Having stories narrated by - or assembled via - a number of voices is a popular way of  world-building. Each of the following books plays with this technique, allowing different perspectives to combine and create a more credible space for readers to inhabit. Just as in Meg Wolitzer's The Position, the matriarch

The Inseparables, Tobacco Wars, I’m Still Here2017-07-24T14:21:27-04:00

Maisie Hurley and “The Native Voice”


One woman, one newspaper: The Native Voice is a story with relevance far beyond any existing borders, as well as a work of importance for local historians in what is now called British Columbia, Canada. Caitlin Press, 2016 Eric Jamieson's book is of fundamental interest to any reader

Maisie Hurley and “The Native Voice”2016-07-31T12:30:26-04:00

Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)


If a story's beginning looks at its reflection in a room made of mirrors, does it see its own beginning-self reflected back? Or is the reflection actually the story's ending? Hamish Hamilton, 2016 This is the kind of question that I can imagine keeps Jay Hosking up late

Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)2016-08-18T09:15:26-04:00

Robert Arthur Alexie’s Porcupines and China Dolls (2002)


Sometimes I buy books for the stories on their pages; sometimes I buy them for the stories between the pages. My copy of Porcupines and China Dolls was purchased second-hand at the Trinity College booksale more than ten years ago. Because of a handful of folded sheets tucked inside the back

Robert Arthur Alexie’s Porcupines and China Dolls (2002)2022-06-14T15:03:26-04:00

Canadian Book Challenge (10th Edition): Indigenous Writers


Even though the challenge officially begins on July 1 -- and ends on the last day of the following June -- it's not too late to join The Book Mine Set's Canadian Books Challenge. This year is the tenth event, and John has calculated thousands of books reviewed for past

Canadian Book Challenge (10th Edition): Indigenous Writers2016-08-12T12:26:45-04:00
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