Daphne duMaurier’s Flight of the Falcon (1965)


Daphne duMaurier's Flight of the Falcon (1965) Penguin, 1969 Virago Modern Classic No. 516 Did you notice that I was complaining about the female characters (and their complete and utter uselessness/sexlessness/vixenishness) in The Birds last week? Oh, I admit, that made me a bit nervous. I was really wondering if

Daphne duMaurier’s Flight of the Falcon (1965)2014-03-09T19:02:07-04:00

Nicola Beauman’s A Very Great Profession (1983)


Nicola Beauman's A Very Great Profession: The Woman's Novel 1914-39 (1983) Virago, 1984. Persephone No. 78, 2008. I'm certain that I've said this before, but this is one of my favourite kinds of books about books. Nicola Beauman's A Very Great Profession is obviously written out of a passion for

Nicola Beauman’s A Very Great Profession (1983)2014-03-09T17:19:34-04:00

Barbara Comyns’ Tortured Skeletons


Barbara Comyn's The Vet's Daughter Virago, 1981 (1959) It must seem a little silly, but I've counted Barbara Comyns amongst my favourite writers since I read 3/4 of her Sisters by a River several summers ago. Since then, I've steadily collected her works, but I've never finished that initial read

Barbara Comyns’ Tortured Skeletons2014-03-09T15:21:47-04:00

The stuff of good stories: Winifred Holtby


Winifred Holtby's South Riding (1936) You know how some people say that they won't read fantasy novels because the long list of characters in the front is just too much? Well, I just checked the list in Guy Gavriel Kay's first book of The Fionavar Tapestry, and the list is

The stuff of good stories: Winifred Holtby2014-03-09T14:20:17-04:00

Testicles, Buttocks and Vomit in Angela Carter


My first Angela Carter read was The Magic Toyshop. Somewhere I'd gotten the idea that I would like this novel without any real understanding of its author, so I was surprised by just how magical that toyshop really was, but I recognized something about Angela Carter that led me to

Testicles, Buttocks and Vomit in Angela Carter2014-03-09T11:53:04-04:00
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