Shree Ghatage’s Awake When All the World is Asleep (1997)


Two years before everybody was talking about Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies, Shree Ghatage's collection was published. Awake When All the World is Asleep considers similar themes, and also presents a wide variety of narrators in both Indian and North American settings. (Okay, it didn't win a Pulitzer, but

Shree Ghatage’s Awake When All the World is Asleep (1997)2014-03-20T15:11:08-04:00

Roch Carrier’s The Hockey Sweater and Other Stories


It's on the back of Canada's five-dollar bill: the opening lines of Roch Carrier's "The Hockey Sweater". 1979; House of Anansi, 2012 That's how central this story, only four pages long, is to Canadians. A short story about hockey, a 10-year-old French-Canadian boy's crowning disappointment, and the cultural

Roch Carrier’s The Hockey Sweater and Other Stories2014-03-20T15:09:49-04:00

“White Dump” Alice Munro


A few pages from the end of "White Dump", just when the reader is wondering when the story's title will be explained, Alice Munro offers it up, having anticipated the reader's every twitch. It's worth the wait, so it mustn't be spoiled, but you will have understood one aspect of its

“White Dump” Alice Munro2014-03-20T15:09:00-04:00

Lynn Crosbie’s Life Is About Losing Everything (2012)


"You don't know how to life your life anymore and you start drowning in it." House of Anansi, 2012 That's the thing about depression, Lynn Crosbie explains in an interview with Shelagh Rogers on CBC Radio. She describes what happens when you really start looking at the world, with

Lynn Crosbie’s Life Is About Losing Everything (2012)2020-09-30T08:28:15-04:00

Deborah Levy’s Swimming Home (2012)


This is Sandra's third post here, joining in the celebration of 45 days of House of Anansi; I introduced her, here, briefly, and she is now full-on in the process of organizing her own website/blog (not sure which will better characterize it). You may have had a hand in encouraging

Deborah Levy’s Swimming Home (2012)2014-03-20T15:06:20-04:00
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