Summer 2015, In My Stacks


My reading recently has been a lovely mix of new books and old friends, rereads and longtime - but neglected - residents of my shelves. Reacquainting myself with L.M.Montgomery's Anne of Avonlea, I warmed to the scene where Anne and Diana come upon Miss Lavendar Lewis' house, when the sense of

Summer 2015, In My Stacks2015-07-07T12:36:27-04:00

The pleasure of the new book


Oh, the overwhelming allure. Past Orange Prize nominees So many of us have seemingly endless older books on our TBRs. Sometimes these are tightly defined (spreadsheeted phenomena, like this Virago project of mine) whereas others are loosely conceived ("I'm going to read more Victorian potboilers"). But, despite this, more recently published

The pleasure of the new book2020-01-20T15:10:24-05:00

February 2015, In My Stacks


No matter how dilgent one has been with one's read-o-lutions, February is not the shortest month but the longest test. If it had a chapter heading? In which all your good bookish intentions will flake away like paper splinters from the spine of a well-loved paperback. And, yet, my February reading, one

February 2015, In My Stacks2020-10-01T12:53:21-04:00

September 2014, In My Stacks


Have you got it marked in your calendar? Diversiverse runs September 14 to September 27, 2014. The sign-up post is here. It’s not too late! Looking for some ideas? I've enjoyed these recently: Tamai Kobayashi’s Prairie Ostrich (2014) , Shani Mootoo’s Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab (2014), Padma Viswanathan’s The Ever After of

September 2014, In My Stacks2014-09-23T16:20:51-04:00

August 2014, In My Stacks


This summer is a record-reading summer; the weather has been brilliantly cooperative and I have read more this summer than, well, possibly ever in a summer before. Perhaps not since girlhood days, when it was all about what time the library would open, whether I would have to wait until the

August 2014, In My Stacks2014-07-31T14:30:44-04:00
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