Autumn 2018: In My Reading Log


These are some summer reads which left an impression; now my stack and library card are humming and wriggling, with all the CanLit prizelist reading – including my new Shadow Jury reading responsibilities towards the 2018 Giller Prize – but these books insist on a sliver of the spotlight.

Autumn 2018: In My Reading Log2018-10-17T12:30:01-04:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Finch’s Fortune (1955)


“With her book, her roses and her cake she was separated from the other members of the family in a kind of frosty seclusion.” Alayne’s frosty seclusion doesn’t sound all that bad, does it? But the point is that Alayne feels her separateness. And that's not always comfortable. Nor

Mazo de la Roche’s Finch’s Fortune (1955)2018-07-26T14:27:45-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “In the Tunnel” (1970)


Having had such a difficult relationship with her mother, Mavis Gallant must have hoped for more from her father. But think of the separateness of the child and father in “Wing’s Chips” (a story with outward similarities to some of Gallant’s childhood experiences). And the outright conflict in “The Rejection”. She

Mavis Gallant’s “In the Tunnel” (1970)2018-08-27T12:36:30-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “The Old Friends”


There is not so much sadness in this story. And, dessert is served. But there is nothing sugary about the relationship between Helena and the police commissioner. Even though they have been "friends forever". "On a silver dish, and on still another pink cloth, this one embroidered, are wedges

Mavis Gallant’s “The Old Friends”2018-05-15T09:43:25-04:00

Marian Engel’s No Clouds of Glory #1968club


If Marian Engel had not died mid-career, her name might have been as well known today as Margaret Atwood's today. Instead her name graces an award granted to a Canadian female writer mid-career by the Writers' Trust. A variety of forms, a strong feminist voice, challenging female characters, a fascination

Marian Engel’s No Clouds of Glory #1968club2017-10-30T08:13:14-04:00
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