Craig Davidson’s Cataract City (2013)


Reading Craig Davidson's Cataract City took me somewhere else. You might think, if you have heard something of the novel, that I am about to say Niagara Falls. But as much as the novel is about two boys' coming-of-age in this environs, it is a study of how 'what-came-before' morphs and

Craig Davidson’s Cataract City (2013)2014-07-11T16:47:56-04:00

Two Chilling Reads: The Dark and Secrecy


Rupert Thomson's Secrecy is suffused with deliciously disturbing images and scenes. A thin, dark ribbon of sky. Bared teeth with clumps of hair. A dead bird that dangles from a girl’s first like a flower needing water. A snake skin shed in a doorway. A secret passage. A stabbed countess. A

Two Chilling Reads: The Dark and Secrecy2014-05-13T15:03:24-04:00

River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes


Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes is 1/3 cup richness, 1/3 cup indulgence, and 1/3 cup pizzazz. Appetite - Random House, 2013 The introduction explains that "this is a vegetable cookbook". It depends on your politics and your point-of-view whether it's a vegetarian cookbook, he maintains. For his point-of-view? "I

River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes2014-07-11T16:11:14-04:00

Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)


Because Maddaddam is the last work in a trilogy, it's appropriate to consider the author's comments on endings. McClelland & Stewart - Random House of Canada, 2013 They are hard, she says, in interview with Martin Halliwell in 2003, the same year that Oryx and Crake, the first

Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)2019-08-28T13:07:42-04:00

Nadeem Aslam’s Season of the Rainbirds (1993)


His literary biography is impressive at-a-glance. Even this, his first novel, was longlisted for the Booker Prize. Maps for Lost Lovers won the Kiriyama Prize. And he's received a Lannan Literary Fellowship. 1993; Anchor Canada - Random House of Canada, 2013 For readers, these are indications of quality,

Nadeem Aslam’s Season of the Rainbirds (1993)2014-03-20T21:22:03-04:00
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