Trevor Ferguson’s The River Burns (2014)


You'd think that the heart of the story in The River Burns is the covered bridge. The cover. The marketing. And the Author's Note which launches the novel refers to the actual Wakefield Bridge fire. "Historical events inspired the novel's genesis; skeletal aspects are mirrored here; yet the gentle shifts to time

Trevor Ferguson’s The River Burns (2014)2017-07-24T14:34:05-04:00

Page-turners: sometimes mysterious


Nothing like a good mystery. Some serial fun, with Giles Blunt, Ian Hamilton, Louise Penny, or my most recent discovery, the Nina Borg series by Lene Kaaberbøl and Agnete Friis. But one can find a good page-turner in the standalone novels on the fiction shelves too. Take Claire Cameron's freshly published The Bear, longlisted

Page-turners: sometimes mysterious2017-07-24T15:36:17-04:00

Brigid Pasulka’s The Sun and Other Stars (2014)


Readers can debate whether Etto or soccer or the town of San Benedetto is the main character in The Sun and Other Stars: the novel can reach readers' hearts via more than one route. Simon & Schuster, 2014 And, yet, that suggests that the three can be separated, whereas this

Brigid Pasulka’s The Sun and Other Stars (2014)2020-03-31T12:17:40-04:00

Dennis Bock’s Going Home Again (2013)


Perhaps it's only to give readers an idea of how special it all was to Charlie. "I suppose what I'm trying to say is that the writing of a man's life at least gives you an idea of just how special it all was to him the first time around."

Dennis Bock’s Going Home Again (2013)2014-05-13T15:06:29-04:00

“Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux” Alice Munro


The reader is introduced to Colin's brother, Ross, when he's wearing both hats, cutting the lawn in front of the school, one of the hats being a floppy pink strawhat that his mother wore in the garden. He is viewed through the window, Colin and his work-mates on one side

“Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux” Alice Munro2014-03-18T11:49:59-04:00
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