Joan Barfoot’s Dancing in the Dark (1982)


Joan Barfoot's Dancing in the Dark Macmillan, 1982 (not the image shown) When I re-read Abra earlier this month, I mentioned that it felt both quiet and revolutionary at the same time. The narrator's self-discovery is relayed through the filter of memory, and the bulk of the action is internal,

Joan Barfoot’s Dancing in the Dark (1982)2014-03-09T15:55:22-04:00

Shorter bouts of bookishness


Marina Lewycka's We Are All Made of Glue Viking - Penguin, 2010 Typically, I plucked this library loan off the stack just two days before it was due back. It had been sitting there for 19 days along with the other xx library books (now come on, you can't expect

Shorter bouts of bookishness2014-03-09T15:09:13-04:00

Stepping Out with Rebecca Gowers


If you read Rebecca Gowers' first novel, When to Walk, you've been introduced to Ramble: she's not easy to know but she's at the heart of Gowers' debut so you'll have made her acquaintance. Those readers who want to make friends with the characters they're reading about, likely didn't even

Stepping Out with Rebecca Gowers2017-07-20T18:03:21-04:00
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