“Accident” Alice Munro


"Frances is loitering by a second-floor window of the high school in Hanratty, on an afternoon in early December. It is 1943." Loitering: it's a significant word. There is something unsanctioned about her presence there. And, yet, she is a high-school teacher. But she has no business being on the

“Accident” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:06:12-04:00

“The Turkey Season” Alice Munro


Whether it's Alva's job in a summer resort in "Sunday Afternoon" or Edie looking after the kids and doing what needs doing in "How I Met My Husband", Alice Munro captures the twinned knowingness and vulnerability of a girl in her first job. Few other authors (Alissa York would be

“The Turkey Season” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:05:12-04:00

“Dulse” Alice Munro


Originally published almost exactly 32 years ago, the events depicted in "Dulse" could have taken place 32 years prior and will, likely, still ring true 32 years hence. Lydia is a woman alone, not freshly alone -- for she has been divorced for nine years -- but self-consciously alone. Something

“Dulse” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:06:49-04:00

“Chaddeleys and Flemings” Alice Munro


The first story in The Moons of Jupiter is a two-parter, the first originally published in "Chatelaine" and the second in "Saturday Night", in 1979. In later collections, interconnected stories were not necessarily set apart within a collection, but these two stories are exceptionally tight-knit. And because of this, with

“Chaddeleys and Flemings” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:07:01-04:00

Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1983)


Alice Walker's The Color Purple (1983) Women's Press, 1984  Celie begins writing letters to God because the man who is married to her mother has said that's all who will listen, all who should be bothered with listening. (It's just wrong to call him her father, after he has raped

Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1983)2014-03-15T16:02:31-04:00
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