Michael Winter’s One Last Good Look (1999)


Dear Gabriel English, You don't know me, but I'm usually quite obsessive about reading things in the proper order, so I'm surprised that I read This All Happened a couple of years ago, having somehow missed the fact that you are also at the heart of this collection

Michael Winter’s One Last Good Look (1999)2014-03-20T15:32:46-04:00

Joan Bodger on Making Literary Pilgrimages


I first read Joan Bodger's How the Heather Looks: A Joyous Journey to the British Sources of Children's Books (1959) about twenty years ago, and I recall liking it well enough, but wishing that there was a little more about their bookishness and a little less about England. Now I think it's a perfect blend.

Joan Bodger on Making Literary Pilgrimages2014-03-17T14:13:03-04:00

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona’s World (1999)


Beverly Cleary's Ramona’s World (1999) Illus. Alan Tiegreen It's the jaded reader in me; when I discovered that there had been another Ramona book published, fifteen years after the last, I was suspicious. I thought of L.M. Montgomery, pushed -- by readers and publishers -- to write more Anne stories,

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona’s World (1999)2014-03-14T19:32:32-04:00

Canada Reads Indie: Thomas King


Thomas King’s Truth and Bright Water Harper-Flamingo, 1999 Truth is the railroad town on one side of the river, in the United States; Bright Water is the reserve on the other side of the river, in Canada. Once there had been a plan to build a bridge, but something went

Canada Reads Indie: Thomas King2014-03-10T20:32:28-04:00

Too many good books in a row?


Kate Pullinger's Weird Sister (1999) McArthur & Company, 2000 I've had this book on my shelves for ages. Which I feel doubly guilty about because it was a gift from a bookish friend. But not a gift of a book she especially loved, but one that she hadn't read; she

Too many good books in a row?2014-03-09T19:25:38-04:00
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