Quarterly Stories: Winter 2021


This has been a rich year for short stories. Some collections I’ve enjoyed without making notes, like Venita Blackburn’s How to Wrestle a Girl (2021); her stories are vivid and will appeal to readers who prioritize voice, as well as readers who admire a certain playfulness that’s delicately balanced

Quarterly Stories: Winter 20212021-12-27T11:58:03-05:00

Autumn 2021: In My Bookbag


Here’s a glimpse of some recent reads which lend themselves more to sampling, in a handful of reading sessions, than gobbling in longer periods of time. Not the books which require a sink-into-your-seat focus, the ones which afford the opportunity to window-gaze between pages. Recently I’ve been missing a

Autumn 2021: In My Bookbag2021-10-30T13:53:40-04:00

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part One)


This year I’ve been reading more non-fiction than usual. It’s not that I’ve been trying, it’s only that I’ve allowed my curiosity to access my holds queue. When I have questions after I’ve finished a novel, I’ve allowed myself to wander more than usual. It’s created an interesting rhythm

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part One)2021-10-06T14:46:04-04:00

Here and Elsewhere: Between Places (3 of 4)


It was late when I picked up Emmanuel Mbolela’s memoir Refugee (2021), nearly time for bed; it occurred to me that another book might make more suitable bedtime reading. I’ll just start, I thought, because it was a borrowed copy and due back soon at the library. Straight away,

Here and Elsewhere: Between Places (3 of 4)2021-09-27T18:52:24-04:00

Earth Changes, Habit Changes (3 of 4)


The climate crisis erupts regularly in my reading, in unexpected ways. In Natsumi Hoshino’s manga series for children, Plum Crazy, named for the household’s first cat, even the cats heard a news report and pawed at the light switches to reduce their energy consumption. (My laugh came out more

Earth Changes, Habit Changes (3 of 4)2021-07-28T14:28:02-04:00
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