Tricia Dower’s Becoming Lin (2016)


Reading Becoming Lin reminded me of discovering Marilyn French's The Women's Room and Marge Piercy's Small Changes. Two unapologetically feminist novels which I felt had poured out of my own heart into some other writer's story. I inhaled these books, and I felt the same sense of intense recognition and

Tricia Dower’s Becoming Lin (2016)2017-07-24T14:33:39-04:00

August 2014, In My Reading Log


Although I always have a small stack of books underway, I have carried to extremes this act of multi-booking this summer. Yesterday I finished Michael Crummey’s new novel (Sweetland), Alison Wearing’s memoir (Confessions of a Fairy’s Daughter), Jan Zwicky’s poetry collection, the second volume in the Fruits Basket manga series,

August 2014, In My Reading Log2014-08-15T15:47:06-04:00

BHM: Edwidge Danticat


"Create dangerously, for people who read dangerously. This is what I’ve always thought it meant to be a writer." So says Edwidge Danticat, in the early pages of the work inspired by Albert Camus' essay and, also, inspired by countless tales of courageous reading and writing and living.

BHM: Edwidge Danticat2014-03-15T19:11:15-04:00
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