Louise Erdrich’s The Antelope Wife (1998)


Maybe it was because I read this one immediately following Tales of Burning Love, so I was more completely immersed in Erdrich-ness than I have been, yet, in this reading project. Or, maybe its more prominent air of mysticism charmed me from the first whiff. Either way, I loved

Louise Erdrich’s The Antelope Wife (1998)2018-09-14T19:18:41-04:00

Amitav Ghosh’s The Ibis Trilogy (2008; 2011; 2015)


Can you be trusted to finish a series? My track record with them is spotty, at best. But I'm working hard to improve my reputation. This year, I started and finished reading Amitav Ghosh's trilogy, each volume over 500 pages (but the page-turning sort of pages). Hopefully the other

Amitav Ghosh’s The Ibis Trilogy (2008; 2011; 2015)2018-06-20T18:00:48-04:00

Alison Watt’s Dazzle Patterns (2017)


The thing with an explosion is that it comes out of nowhere. And that's exactly what happens in Alison Watt's debut novel. Even though I knew that the 1917 event was at the heart of this Halifax story, I was completely absorbed in Clare and Fred's ordinary workday at

Alison Watt’s Dazzle Patterns (2017)2017-10-25T13:21:19-04:00

Winter Child and Firewater: A Perfect Pairing


Each of these books is penned by an indigenous writer, each considers a great loss, each is powerful on its own terms. Together their stories resonate and amplify readers' understanding of a vitally important issue. Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau's novel Winter Child appears to be the simpler tale. One woman's

Winter Child and Firewater: A Perfect Pairing2021-07-16T15:08:28-04:00

The Trickster Story Eden Robinson Had To Write


If you've glanced at the union regulations for Native writers, you'd have seen this one coming: Eden Robinson explains that it's a requirement. "It’s also a union regulation as a Native writer that you have to write a Trickster story at least once." (This is from an interview by

The Trickster Story Eden Robinson Had To Write2021-05-28T15:31:36-04:00
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