Hannah Craft’s The Bondwoman’s Narrative VMC No. 483 (1853-61)


In some ways, this reminds me of Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky which is another instance in which the story behind a book is just as interesting as the book itself. My first online search for information about The Bondwoman’s Narrative pulled up not information about the narrative itself, but

Hannah Craft’s The Bondwoman’s Narrative VMC No. 483 (1853-61)2021-02-01T11:38:45-05:00

Looking Ahead to February 2010’s Reading


I've updated my January reads to the 2010 Book Log and am now looking forward to February's reads. As February is Black History Month (which was initiated in 1926, partly based in the coincidence of Lincoln's, Washington's, and Douglass's birthdays in the month) I'm turning to some Virago Modern Classics

Looking Ahead to February 2010’s Reading2014-02-27T17:24:38-05:00
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