Wendy Law-Yone’s The Road to Wanting (2010)


Wendy Law-Yone’s The Road to Wanting (2010) Vintage Books, 2011 (Looking for a swallow rather than a full glass? ORANGE Squirt below.) When readers meet Na Ga, the narrator of The Road to Wanting, she is preparing a noose. She uses a longyi, a simple tube of fabric that you

Wendy Law-Yone’s The Road to Wanting (2010)2014-03-31T15:46:21-04:00

Reading Nu Nu Yi


Nu Nu Yi's Smile as They Bow Translated from the Burmese by Alfred Birnbaum and Thi Thi Aye Hyperion Books, 2008 Reading this felt, for me, a little like reading a Katherine Mansfield short story. You know, the way that you slip in and out of the world she creates

Reading Nu Nu Yi2017-07-20T17:48:01-04:00
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