Terry Griggs’s Cat’s Eye Corner Series


Terry Griggs’s The Silver Door Raincoast Books, 2004 Have you met Murray Sheaffer, fountain pen extraordinaire? He is a most “handsome, clever and rich (yes!)” fountain pen. Wondering how he could possibly fill the role of hero in Terry Griggs’s Cat’s Eye Trilogy? Then you must have met some other,

Terry Griggs’s Cat’s Eye Corner Series2014-03-13T21:02:41-04:00

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Forever (1984)


Beverly Cleary's Ramona Forever (1984)  Illus. Alan Tiegreen  This Ramona book came along when I was too old (in my young reader's opinion) to be seen reading Ramona books. And, so, I read it in the public library, at a table, with my textbooks and notebooks spread out around me,

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Forever (1984)2014-03-14T19:34:10-04:00

Canada Reads Indie: Darren Greer


Darren Greer’s Still Life with June Cormorant Books Inc, 2003 His phone number is unlisted and he always, always uses a pseudonym; when he rhymes those aliases off, one of them is Darren Greer. So straight off, reading Darren’s Greer’s novel, Still Life with June, readers know that they will

Canada Reads Indie: Darren Greer2014-03-10T20:41:42-04:00

Terry Griggs’ Cat’s Eye Corner (2000)


Click Melissa Nucera's beautiful image for the Once Upon a Time Challenge Site For the past several Saturdays I have been writing about kidlit and the YA novels that Lizzie Skurnick's Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading inspired me to re-read. (I love re-reading, but

Terry Griggs’ Cat’s Eye Corner (2000)2014-03-09T13:53:07-04:00
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