‘Tis the Season…for Mosquitoes


So, it's past the middle of November, so I'm surprised to find myself surrounded by so many mosquitoes. First in the fifth volume of Laura Ingalls Wilder's series, On the Shores of Silver Lake. Living so close to the land, the other residents are regularly brushing elbows (and paws and wings

‘Tis the Season…for Mosquitoes2015-11-26T14:38:02-05:00

MRE Authors: Penelope Lively and Toni Morrison


Because I love making reading lists almost as much as I love reading the books that I add to them, I have big plans for my MustReadEverything Reading Projects, but then there are dozens of other books that I also want to read. This year so far, I have reread seven

MRE Authors: Penelope Lively and Toni Morrison2020-10-01T12:47:18-04:00

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X


In the past, I've made large stacks of creepy reading with the RIP challenges in mind, but I  have a habit of stacking up many lovely possibilities but then choosing different books altogether later on. Perhaps this is partly because books can surprise you and take you in unexpected directions.

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X2015-09-18T12:44:13-04:00

Beth Powning’s A Measure of Light (2015)


If you recognize Mary Dyer as being one of the Boston Martyrs, you will expect Beth Powning's tale to be a harrowing one. To some extent, this is the case. Knopf - Penguin Random House, 2015 But even if the historical record considers the most remarkable aspect of Mary

Beth Powning’s A Measure of Light (2015)2021-06-04T15:00:40-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Little, Brown and Company, 2015

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)2020-03-31T12:14:55-04:00
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