“The Stone Angel” (2007) Dir. Kari Skogland


"The Stone Angel" (2007) Dir. Kari Skogland Writers: Margaret Laurence (novel), Kari Skogland (screenplay) As in "Rachel, Rachel", the film version of Margaret Laurence's novel A Jest of God, the emphasis in the film "The Stone Angel" is on the story's romantic relationship. And perhaps rightly so. The film makers had less than

“The Stone Angel” (2007) Dir. Kari Skogland2017-06-08T14:58:08-04:00

“Rachel, Rachel” (1968) Dir. Paul Newman


"Rachel, Rachel" (1968) Dir. Paul Newman Writers: Margaret Laurence (novel), Stewart Stern (screenplay) Okay, so Joanne Woodward is blonde (and I've always imagined Rachel as being dark-haired). And the funeral home on Japonica Street is a white frame house (as so many lovely old American homes are, although they're more

“Rachel, Rachel” (1968) Dir. Paul Newman2024-03-17T10:38:23-04:00

Spooky Stuff: RIP V Challenge Summary


Click image for the Challenge Site Thanks again to Carl for hosting this creepy challenge. My plans weren't that far off; I didn't read the annotated version of Dracula (the smaller pocket-friendly version was more comfortable) and I only read two Daphne duMaurier books, but the only one I missed was

Spooky Stuff: RIP V Challenge Summary2014-03-09T19:29:45-04:00
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