Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep (2013)


One of the reasons for The Shining's success is that it was not simply a horror story, but the story of a family struggling to make a go of it, in a situation which becomes horrific. A hopeful but hesitant mother: "For the first time she let herself believe that this

Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep (2013)2014-05-13T14:52:04-04:00

Amanda Leduc’s The Miracles of Ordinary Men (2013)


When the angels invaded the plotline of "Supernatural", I stopped watching weekly. I prefer stone rabbits and hedgehogs in my flowerbeds, over white winged statues. And when a girlfriend told me that the child she lost at full-term is an angel now, I struggled to keep my face expressionless, silently repeating

Amanda Leduc’s The Miracles of Ordinary Men (2013)2014-07-11T16:38:15-04:00

Michael Winter’s Minister Without Portfolio (2013)


Readers familiar with Michael Winter's fiction will immediately recognize the contrast between stark prose and emotional intensity; in the gap between, the reader resides. For it's not as though Henry Hayward does not feel, but it's as though he has raised a hand to protect himself from the heat of

Michael Winter’s Minister Without Portfolio (2013)2014-05-13T14:37:40-04:00

Wayne Johnston’s The Son of a Certain Woman (2013)


"The Son of A Certain Woman. You don’t have to have read Joyce to 'get' it. But it’s a touch more fun if you have." And that is because it is Wayne Johnston's "Joyce book". Which one might take to mean that it's about the Joyce family. (Primarily about Percy

Wayne Johnston’s The Son of a Certain Woman (2013)2014-07-11T16:38:32-04:00

Anthony De Sa’s Kicking the Sky (2013)


The cover image for Anthony De Sa's Kicking the Sky perfectly encapsulates the novel's themes, structure, setting and tone.* A child's bicycle leans against a garage door, the only sign of habitation. The view of the alleyway leaves the safety of home beyond the edges of the scene. The shadows are

Anthony De Sa’s Kicking the Sky (2013)2014-05-13T14:32:04-04:00
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