Radically and Shamefully, False and Authentic


Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections Harper, 2001 They splotch the busy reader's bookshelf: those oversized contemporary novels that you haven't read yet. You expect Dickens and Trollope and Tolstoy to span the reading weeks, but you expect contemporary novels to be more portable, more succinct, more zip-through-able. It makes it harder

Radically and Shamefully, False and Authentic2014-03-09T18:08:32-04:00

But But But


Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna Harper Collins, 2008 Both Kingsolver and Waters are on my MRE lists. Some of their books are amongst my ATF (All Time Favourites) and even when I'm less fond of a theme or a set of characters in their works I still enjoy the books because

But But But2014-03-09T14:45:52-04:00
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