Michelle Winters’ I Am a Truck (2016)


A Chevy truck, a Thermos of coffee, date squares and bologna sandwiches: I Am a Truck begins with the basics. A fishing trip which, both Agathe and Réjean  know, is not a fishing trip. Both are aware that he is lying, but it's a charade which Agathe is content

Michelle Winters’ I Am a Truck (2016)2017-09-28T12:05:54-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “An Unmarried Man’s Summer” (1963)


Walter is just a kid, in comparison to the elderly widows with whom he spends most of his time. And perhaps when he's driving his sporty little Singer, he's not thinking about ending things. But in quiet moments, despair sneaks up on him. Promenade des anglais, Nice, 1960

Mavis Gallant’s “An Unmarried Man’s Summer” (1963)2017-08-08T13:33:40-04:00

Margaret Millar’s The Fiend (1964; 2016)


From the outset, The Fiend has a creepy element which readers hadn't yet experienced in the fiction Margaret Millar had published theretofore. "She was about nine. Having watched them all impartially now for two weeks, Charlie had come to like her the best." You're afraid to ask, aren't you: why

Margaret Millar’s The Fiend (1964; 2016)2017-07-26T13:34:30-04:00

Margaret Millar’s How Like an Angel (1962)


Exploring in the back country of Santa Barbara County California, Margaret Millar discovered a group of abandoned buildings on top of a ridge of the Santa Ynez mountains. The view was incredible: the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Ynez valley, Lake Cachuma, and the San Rafael mountains, along with a main

Margaret Millar’s How Like an Angel (1962)2020-08-19T08:28:08-04:00
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