Quarterly Stories: Winter 2014


An excess of short stories in the later part of this year has led to a decision to return to the habit of more often devoting entire posts to collections rather than covering a variety in a single pass (last seen in Quarterly Stories: Autumn 2014) Algonquin Books, 2014

Quarterly Stories: Winter 20142017-07-24T15:11:57-04:00

Heather O’Neill’s The Girl Who Was Saturday Night (2014)


When a passage on page two is just breathtakingly powerful, readers’ expectations soar. It seems impossible to imagine reading beyond this passage without stopping to reread, or not reading it aloud to a friend sitting alongside, or not tapping the stranger sitting next to you, pointing and saying “Check this out”.

Heather O’Neill’s The Girl Who Was Saturday Night (2014)2014-10-07T15:10:37-04:00
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