Once Upon a Time Fragments


In which I chatter about Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief, the Mythlopedia series, the third in Bill Willingham's Fables series, and make hasty notes about my other reading for the un-challenge. The Lightning Thief is intended to be larger than life. Percy Jackson is not a normal boy. He is

Once Upon a Time Fragments2014-03-17T14:03:27-04:00

Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles (2011)


Of course there are readers who gravitate towards fiction set in ancient times, with their battered Mary Renault and Robert Graves paperbacks, their beloved Rosemary Sutcliffe childhood favourites still lining their shelves. Harper Collins, 2012 But just as there were many readers who would never pick up a western but

Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles (2011)2020-10-22T12:27:00-04:00

A Literary Three-Way: About a Boy? (I)


In eleventh-grade English class, we studied "Oedipus Rex" and I fell in love with the idea that a story so old could still be compelling. But the idea of reading these classic texts outside a classroom seemed unthinkable. You know how some books become all-the-more intimidating the longer you leave

A Literary Three-Way: About a Boy? (I)2014-03-15T20:13:12-04:00

Once Upon a Time 2012: At Last!


The details are here. In short, it's all about having fun. (So says Carl, the inimitable host.) Shouldn't be much of a challenge, really, with great company and great stories. There are many quests from which to choose. I'd like to opt for the Multi-Quest version, please. That's Quest the Second (with at

Once Upon a Time 2012: At Last!2020-10-20T09:36:34-04:00

Myths and Fairy Tales: In the Beginning


With a subject as vast as mythology, it seems impossible to consider distilling it into A Short History of Myth. Yet that is what Karen Armstrong has done for the first volume in the Canongate Myth Series. What seems equally impossible is condensing those ideas once more, into

Myths and Fairy Tales: In the Beginning2014-03-15T19:33:20-04:00
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