Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1983)


Alice Walker's The Color Purple (1983) Women's Press, 1984  Celie begins writing letters to God because the man who is married to her mother has said that's all who will listen, all who should be bothered with listening. (It's just wrong to call him her father, after he has raped

Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1983)2014-03-15T16:02:31-04:00

Jennifer Egan’s A Visit to the Goon Squad (2010)


(Looking for a swallow rather than a full glass? ORANGE Squirt below.) Dear A Visit to the Goon Squad, I was #268 on the library hold list for you after you won the National (US) Book Critics Circle Award, but before you won the Pulitzer, although my reason for wanting

Jennifer Egan’s A Visit to the Goon Squad (2010)2017-07-25T11:29:37-04:00
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