Sticky Authors? About Me and Edith


! Do you have an author in whose works you repeatedly get stuck? Doncha love the '80s cover? You're just sure you're going to love them, but you can't seem to read them? That's what had happened with me and Edith Wharton. Well, that's not entirely

Sticky Authors? About Me and Edith2017-09-13T10:36:05-04:00

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books


Teju Cole, Open City Recorded Books, 2011 Reader: Kevin Mambo It was fitting that this was my first audiobook of 2012; I was walking the streets of my own city, listening to this story, while the narrator, Julius, was walking the streets of New York City. He is walking, the birds

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books2021-07-02T16:34:21-04:00

To Tell the Truth: Elspeth Cameron


Elspeth Cameron's And Beauty Answers: The Life of Frances Loring and Florence Wyle Cormorant Books, 2007 It certainly wasn't something that a lot of women were doing in the early 1900s; girls weren't lining up to become sculptors. But Frances Loring and Florence Wyle did just that, meeting in 1906

To Tell the Truth: Elspeth Cameron2014-03-15T18:17:07-04:00

Three Tasty Reads


All year I've been dragging on my reading for the Foodie's Reading Challenge. In the later part of the year I even started to wonder why I'd joined. And then I started reading for it. (Inspired by Dewey's Read-a-Thon.) This is why I join challenges; they seem to keep my

Three Tasty Reads2014-03-15T17:46:30-04:00

Dear 84 Charing Cross Road


When I first mentioned that Fridays were going to be reserved for letters, Laura mentioned Helene Hanff's epistolary classic right off. She reminded me how much I love this collection. And, so, I pulled the volume off the shelf and aimed for a re-read. If you're reading these

Dear 84 Charing Cross Road2014-03-15T16:20:22-04:00
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