Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)


Because Maddaddam is the last work in a trilogy, it's appropriate to consider the author's comments on endings. McClelland & Stewart - Random House of Canada, 2013 They are hard, she says, in interview with Martin Halliwell in 2003, the same year that Oryx and Crake, the first

Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)2019-08-28T13:07:42-04:00

Re-reading Oryx and Crake, Notes on a Saturday


What a delicious juxtaposition: the lushness of the farmers' market this morning - and all the bounty and treat-ness that entails - with a re-read of Oryx and Crake planned for the remainder of the day. Like many other readers, I've been tremendously excited by the prospect of the trilogy's

Re-reading Oryx and Crake, Notes on a Saturday2019-08-28T12:54:26-04:00

Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers (2013)


Inspired by women who were driven and successful in spheres traditionally dominated by men, Rachel Kushner presents Reno. Scribner - Simon & Schuster, 2013 One might use the same words to describe this fictional woman that Jonathan Franzen used to describe her creator, when she was his student

Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers (2013)2014-05-13T15:40:02-04:00

Lisa Moore’s Alligator (2004)


When readers look into the eye of Lisa Moore's fiction, they are changed. House of Anansi, 2004 "I knelt down near the fence and looked into the eye of a giant alligator that was very near the fence. The alligator did not move and did not move. I

Lisa Moore’s Alligator (2004)2014-07-11T16:54:32-04:00

Aifric Campbell’s On the Floor (2012)


This was one of the first Orange Prize nominees that I bought. Last year, two debut novels on the longlist made my personal shortlist. (Anna Peile's and Samantha Hunt's) Serpent's Tail, 2012 I had high hopes for this novel and, in many ways, I was rewarded for my

Aifric Campbell’s On the Floor (2012)2014-03-17T15:44:49-04:00
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