Page-turners and other gripping reads


What's interesting about each of these novels is that none fits a traditional model in the suspense genre. Shari Lapena's The Couple Next Door is the closest to a conventional thriller. But even her novel spends more time on characterization and atmosphere than many loyal genre readers would tolerate. Nonetheless, she

Page-turners and other gripping reads2020-10-01T12:57:47-04:00

Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed (2016)


If you're a fan of Margaret Atwood's retelling,of The Odyssey, The Penelopiad, you've probably already got a copy of Hag-Seed on your stack. Knopf - PRH, 2016 Ditto if you're following the Hogarth Shakespeare retellings. Already published this year are Jeanette Winterson's The Gap of Time (The Winter's Tale), Howard

Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed (2016)2016-11-07T11:50:17-05:00

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)


It's not meant to be complicated. "I hope to help you think about your writing, and to approach the task with more confidence, excitement, and hope." That's Alice Mattison's intent. But of course it is complicated. Which is why there are countless books about the craft of writing. Viking -

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)2016-10-12T17:16:00-04:00

Kate Taylor’s Serial Monogamy (2016)


"My books aren’t romances per se; they don’t even necessarily feature happy endings any more, they just conclude with hopeful moments that allow the reader to decide whether widows have the strength to go on or divorced dads find love for a second time." And there is nothing romantic about the

Kate Taylor’s Serial Monogamy (2016)2017-07-24T15:22:51-04:00

Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)


If a story's beginning looks at its reflection in a room made of mirrors, does it see its own beginning-self reflected back? Or is the reflection actually the story's ending? Hamish Hamilton, 2016 This is the kind of question that I can imagine keeps Jay Hosking up late

Jay Hosking’s Three Years with the Rat (2016)2016-08-18T09:15:26-04:00
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