I Spy: Walt and Mr. Jones


As much as these stories focus on solitary characters who observe, from the margins, they long for something else; Walt and Mr. Jones are ultimately preoccupied with relationships. Goose Lane Editions, 2014 Margaret Sweatman's Mr. Jones openly confronts duplicity. "His life had been contrary, a series of duplications: two homes; a father who’d

I Spy: Walt and Mr. Jones2017-07-20T18:04:57-04:00

Shifting Powers: Three Novels


Gordon Henderson’s Man in the Shadows (2014) HarperCollins, 2014 “As he helped her into the carriage, Agnes Macdonald whispered demurely, “I can lean on no other arm like yours.” Macdonald sat back contentedly and called out to the driver, “Buckley, take us to the office.” It would have

Shifting Powers: Three Novels2020-10-19T11:15:32-04:00
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