Leona Theis’ If Sylvie Had Nine Lives (2020)


If you’re the kind of reader who particularly enjoys the idea of stories intersecting and connecting, this one’s for you. If you would have enjoyed Elizabeth Strout’s Olive Kitteridge just as much if the stories had appeared all jumbled. And, if you loved the film Sliding Doors and the

Leona Theis’ If Sylvie Had Nine Lives (2020)2020-11-27T16:02:55-05:00

Pruning: Rereading Larry’s Party by Carol Shields


“This is the way it’s done, isn’t it? This is how other people do it.” How other people live their lives, that is. When Carol Shields tells the story of Larry Weller’s life, it begins with his having picked up somebody else’s coat and it ends with a party.

Pruning: Rereading Larry’s Party by Carol Shields2020-11-17T13:18:52-05:00

Storytellers: Atlantic Canada (2 of 3)


A few weeks ago, I mentioned how much Naomi’s Atlantic Canada reading has impacted the books in my stacks. (Check out her project here, along with pages dedicated to the Halifax Explosion and regional literary awards on Consumed by Ink.) When I reach for another book set in Toronto

Storytellers: Atlantic Canada (2 of 3)2020-12-14T15:21:09-05:00

Wendy McGrath’s Trilogy and Poetry


Spoiler: I absolutely loved Wendy McGrath’s trilogy and it’s one of my 2020 standout reading experiences. In the upcoming Winter issue of Herizons, you can read my review of Wendy McGrath’s final novel in her Edmonton trilogy, Broke City (2019). (Herizons is a Canadian feminist magazine, which I

Wendy McGrath’s Trilogy and Poetry2020-11-19T15:05:04-05:00
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