Mavis Gallant’s “An Alien Flower”


Not one of them. Really? Not the woman vacationing with her lover? Or the young worker about to go home for Christmas Eve? Not the mother of teenagers choosing their eclairs? Or the young botany teacher who learned about plants from her father? Not the old friend who recites

Mavis Gallant’s “An Alien Flower”2018-06-04T15:00:35-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Paola and Renata” (1965)


The widow has let her hair go. It is half mahogany and half dull grey. Not only grey, but dull grey. Paola and Renata's listening that summer One has the sense that being a widow might have brought this about. The simple act of inhabiting widowhood. But that

Mavis Gallant’s “Paola and Renata” (1965)2017-11-21T15:27:35-05:00

Mavis Gallant’s “From Gamut to Yalta” (1980)


So short. Four pages. And, yet, a man considering his entire life and the geo-political map of his day. Its shifting (and not-so shifting) borders are intertwined with his ideas about his marriage. This seems to draw the noose of relationship between the personal and the political uncomfortably - even

Mavis Gallant’s “From Gamut to Yalta” (1980)2017-11-10T17:11:11-05:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Whiteoak Brothers (1954)


It's no secret that Mazo de la Roche loved to read. So, we have sassy young Adeline pulling out a book on the ship which takes her from Ireland to the wilds of what-would-soon-be-Canada. There's at least one literary reference in each of the volumes, and sometimes these are endowed with

Mazo de la Roche’s Whiteoak Brothers (1954)2017-10-27T09:48:07-04:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Whiteoak Heritage (1940)


How comforting it must have been, with WWII well underway, for Mazo de la Roche to bring home her characters safely, from the front of WWI. The Whiteoak men return and bring with them a fellow serviceman, who takes a position in their household and, just like that, wartime is

Mazo de la Roche’s Whiteoak Heritage (1940)2017-10-19T14:56:41-04:00
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