Mavis Gallant’s “Across the Bridge” (1991)


Since I began this project of rereading through Mavis Gallant’s stories, in January 2017, I’ve had this story in the back of my mind, unable to place it. I should have suspected it would reside here, in my first Gallant collection. Instead, I had begun to wonder if it

Mavis Gallant’s “Across the Bridge” (1991)2020-05-19T09:41:12-04:00

Here and Elsewhere: Kyoto #HereandElsewhere


Welcome to the fourth journey inspired by my desk calendar—first described en route to Copenhagen, then London and Havana. Just this random spark, my curiosity, and my library card: everything I needed to expand my horizons, to counter the inclination to withdraw when the news seemed menacing. But

Here and Elsewhere: Kyoto #HereandElsewhere2020-06-02T07:36:15-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “From Cloud to Cloud” (1985)


Having published one hundred and sixteen stories in The New Yorker, Mavis Gallant’s regular readers would have had to wait from April 15 until July 8 in 1985, to learn how life has been for the Carette sisters. The story opens like this: “The family’s experience of Raymond was

Mavis Gallant’s “From Cloud to Cloud” (1985)2020-04-21T10:00:32-04:00

Moving from The Handmaid’s Tale to The Testaments #MARM


There are three things that I noticed in this rereading of The Handmaid’s Tale. The use of time in the narrative. The importance of what is not said. The matter of world-building and perspective. In all three, readers are wholly engaged. Engaged in the use of time, in the

Moving from The Handmaid’s Tale to The Testaments #MARM2019-11-20T12:43:07-05:00
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