Alistair MacLeod’s “The Vastness of the Dark” (1971)


The laundry hangs on the clothesline in the background, while Alistair MacLeod speaks to his wife Anita about what their life was like when the kids were young. It’s there, in the film “Reading Alistair MacLeod”, that I see Anita patiently waiting, while he pulls out a small stack

Alistair MacLeod’s “The Vastness of the Dark” (1971)2021-04-09T11:30:42-04:00

Alistair MacLeod’s “The Boat” (1968)


Those of you who are reading here now, but not reading Alistair MacLeod’s short stories, will probably only be interested in the first couple of paragraphs after this introduction. Feel free to skip past the section that I've titled The Underneath, written with those who know the story-or other

Alistair MacLeod’s “The Boat” (1968)2021-03-30T14:17:43-04:00

Rereading Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye (1988)


Rereading Cat’s Eye while rereading Rosemary Sullivan’s biography of Margaret Atwood emphasized the parallels between the narrator’s and author’s childhoods. I was a teenager when I read Cat’s Eye for the first time; I would have had no idea that Elaine’s childhood of lakes and insects was Peggy’s childhood

Rereading Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye (1988)2020-12-27T14:27:22-05:00

Pruning: Rereading Larry’s Party by Carol Shields


“This is the way it’s done, isn’t it? This is how other people do it.” How other people live their lives, that is. When Carol Shields tells the story of Larry Weller’s life, it begins with his having picked up somebody else’s coat and it ends with a party.

Pruning: Rereading Larry’s Party by Carol Shields2020-11-17T13:18:52-05:00

Margaret Atwood Reading Month: Launch, Week One #MARM


This year, for Margaret Atwood Reading Month #MARM, we’re playing BINGO. (If you’re printing your playing card, don’t forget to select “Shrink to Fit” in your printer’s options, so your card will fill a single sheet of paper.) In recent weeks, looking ahead to November was like having a

Margaret Atwood Reading Month: Launch, Week One #MARM2020-11-18T09:18:33-05:00
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