Mildred D. Taylor’s The Gold Cadillac (1980)


Mildred D. Taylor's The Gold Cadillac (1980) Illus. Michael Hays Dial Books for Young Readers, 1987 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1976) won the Newbery in 1977 and it remains Mildred D. Taylor's best known novel. But the Logan family was actually introduced in her first novella, Song of the Trees

Mildred D. Taylor’s The Gold Cadillac (1980)2014-07-11T16:20:47-04:00

“The Dredgeman’s Revelation” Karen Russell


Karen Russell "The Dredgeman's Revelation" The New Yorker Fiction: 20 Under 40 July 26, 2010 issue This is the first of The New Yorker's 20Under40 stories that has left me feeling absolutely certain that I'll be following up with a longer work by the writer. (Not including the writers whose work

“The Dredgeman’s Revelation” Karen Russell2014-03-09T18:28:03-04:00

But But But


Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna Harper Collins, 2008 Both Kingsolver and Waters are on my MRE lists. Some of their books are amongst my ATF (All Time Favourites) and even when I'm less fond of a theme or a set of characters in their works I still enjoy the books because

But But But2014-03-09T14:45:52-04:00

Old Dog, New Bookish Trick


Kathryn Stockett's The Help Penguin, 2009 I don't listen to a lot of audiobooks; it's not that I have a philosophical stance against them, I'm just old-fashioned, so the first inclination is to pick up the book. But what I do quite enjoy is having both options, so that if

Old Dog, New Bookish Trick2014-03-09T13:38:41-04:00

What You Miss on the Other Side of the Trees


Attica Locke's Black Water Rising Harper Collins, 2009 So if I was relieved to see how relatively short Laila Lalami's The Secret Son was, when I picked it up from the library, as part of my insane Read-the-Orange-Prize-Longlist plan, you can imagine how disheartened I was to see how relatively

What You Miss on the Other Side of the Trees2014-03-09T14:25:05-04:00
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