Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)


The first volume of his Toronto trilogy introduces readers to Bernice Leach, who has left Barbados to work in Toronto as a housekeeper in an upscale neighbourhood in the 1960s. She has left behind a son and his father, as well as a mother and a sister, and she is

Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)2015-10-06T10:02:44-04:00

Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)


Because Maddaddam is the last work in a trilogy, it's appropriate to consider the author's comments on endings. McClelland & Stewart - Random House of Canada, 2013 They are hard, she says, in interview with Martin Halliwell in 2003, the same year that Oryx and Crake, the first

Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam (2013)2019-08-28T13:07:42-04:00

Re-reading Year of the Flood, Notes on a Saturday


Last Saturday, I sat down, spoiled with treats from the farmers' market, to re-read Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. Today is the day I get reacquainted with The Year of the Flood. And I'm certainly not the only one who's spending time with the books in the trilogy this weekend; here's

Re-reading Year of the Flood, Notes on a Saturday2019-08-28T13:07:45-04:00

Re-reading Oryx and Crake, Notes on a Saturday


What a delicious juxtaposition: the lushness of the farmers' market this morning - and all the bounty and treat-ness that entails - with a re-read of Oryx and Crake planned for the remainder of the day. Like many other readers, I've been tremendously excited by the prospect of the trilogy's

Re-reading Oryx and Crake, Notes on a Saturday2019-08-28T12:54:26-04:00

Holly Black’s Tithe (2002)


Holly Black's Modern Faerie Tales series begins with Tithe. I bought a copy of it some years ago for my niece, thinking there was just enough swearing and sexual tension to incite an interest in reading. (That wasn't entirely successful, but I did quite enjoy reading it myself. Not that

Holly Black’s Tithe (2002)2014-03-17T15:21:33-04:00
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