The Carol Shields Prize for Fiction 2024 (2 of 4)


Louise Erdrich and Barbara Kingsolver, Amy Tan and Elizabeth Strout: these are some of the writers whose stories about parenting, and being parented, stand out in my mind. Claudia Dey’s fiction could be included here, too, although her stories spiral around alienation and abandonment—the ways in which those who

The Carol Shields Prize for Fiction 2024 (2 of 4)2024-04-08T21:04:26-04:00

Novellas in November: Since Last Year #NovNov


Hosted by Cathy and Rebecca with weekly themes and a link collector, the first week of this event invites participants to “tell us about any novellas you have read since last NovNov” (it’s okay not to follow the five week’s themes exactly and, instead, allow them to mesh with

Novellas in November: Since Last Year #NovNov2023-11-08T12:07:29-05:00

Writers in Novels: Eleanor Dark’s The Little Company (1945) #AWW


It’s a time of “political and intellectual crisis” in The Little Company. Sound familiar? Drusilla Modjeska’s introduction situates readers in Dark’s depiction of ordinary life in Sydney and Katoomba, in this time of “recession, nuclear threat and more failed expectations” in Australia. The Little Company is Dark’s seventh novel,

Writers in Novels: Eleanor Dark’s The Little Company (1945) #AWW2021-01-19T17:26:44-05:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Scarves, Beads, Sandals”


No need to debate the significance of the Oxford comma here—there’s no ‘and’ to stir the pot. One could easily mis-identify the story and add the conjunction. But this is not a story about a set of accessories. It is about a series of another sort. A series of

Mavis Gallant’s “Scarves, Beads, Sandals”2020-08-26T13:03:21-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “In Plain Sight”


How can I explain how pleased I was to find Henri Grippes in one of the final stories in the Paris collection? It’s not as though we’re friends, but I’ve been wondering how he’s been keeping. And now, with just a few of Mavis Gallant’s stories left to read

Mavis Gallant’s “In Plain Sight”2020-09-18T14:25:32-04:00
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