Péter Gárdos’ Fever at Dawn (2010; 2016)


Fever at Dawn by Péter Gárdos began with a box of letters, or, more accurately, the letter-writers, who would become his parents. House of Anansi, 2016 "But for fifty years I did not know that their letters still existed. In the midst of political unheaval and the chaos of moving to

Péter Gárdos’ Fever at Dawn (2010; 2016)2017-07-20T17:32:05-04:00

December 2015, In My Reading Log


Three of these books were inspired by the conjunction between my own shelves and this year's Random House Bingo, which has a CanLit theme. The Tiger Claw filled my Nominated-for-the-Giller square, Evan Munday's second October Schwartz for the Mystery-or-Thriller square, and Elaine Lui's book about her relationship with her mother

December 2015, In My Reading Log2020-09-16T15:54:55-04:00

Telling Father’s Story: A Novel and a Memoir


Khaled Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed and Maurice Mierau's Detachment: An Adoption Memoir are a perfect pair. Penguin Random House, 2014 And the Mountains Echoed begins with a story, told by a father to his son and his daughter. "Father never felt more present to Abdullah, more vibrant, revealed,

Telling Father’s Story: A Novel and a Memoir2017-07-24T15:12:22-04:00

Shifting Powers: Three Novels


Gordon Henderson’s Man in the Shadows (2014) HarperCollins, 2014 “As he helped her into the carriage, Agnes Macdonald whispered demurely, “I can lean on no other arm like yours.” Macdonald sat back contentedly and called out to the driver, “Buckley, take us to the office.” It would have

Shifting Powers: Three Novels2020-10-19T11:15:32-04:00

Talking Time: Life after Life, The Luminaries


Random House, 2013 The slippery question of time is often posed on the page. And with books, it’s different. In music, listeners are engaged at a pace dictated by the composer’s notation, beats counted as the bars pass, the audience arriving synchronously at the end of the piece.

Talking Time: Life after Life, The Luminaries2015-10-20T07:58:55-04:00
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