From November 1, 2023 through November 30, 2023 I’ll be reading Margaret Atwood, and you’re invited to join: yes, the 6th MARM is on the books. On the 18th, Margaret Atwood celebrates her 84th birthday and quietly I’ll be celebrating, by reading her work (maybe there will be cake).

If you want to join in the month-long celebration, just read one thing by Margaret Atwood or one hundred things. A poem or her Substack post. Something. Anything. Printed page, audiobook, download or display: whatever tickles your fancy.

Post about it where you love to bookchat and leave your link to that post in a comment below (either on this page or, as the month unfolds, on one of the event posts yet-to-come). I’ll curate and share at the end of the event.

Looking for more structure? This year I’m continuing with my reading of Dancing Girls, with discussion of “Rape Fantasies” (Week One), Hair Jewellery (Week Two), “When It Happens” with “A Travel Piece” (Week Three) and “The Resplendent Quetzel” (Week Four).

I’m also reading her newest collection, Old Babes in the Wood, and I’ll focus on the first three stories in weeks two, three, and four (and perhaps continue another time): “First Aid”, “Two Scorched Men”, and “Morte de Smudgie”. (I’m really nervous about Smudgie’s story.)

None of these stories is particularly long; if you’re keen to participate but overwhelmed by the number of other reading events in November, selecting a single story might suit your needs (later on, I’ll have more ideas for busy readers).

Alongside these short works, I’ll be leafing through Burning Questions, looking for some key pieces that align with other recent reading, and I’ve got some of her recommendations at hand, too. (Those will be surprises, but they’ve all been recommended in public, so if you follow her online, they might be familiar to you too.) And Bill let me know earlier this year that he’d be reading The Edible Woman, so I’ve been toying with the idea of rereading with him.

Because I caught up with the TV version of The Handmaid’s Tale last year, and the final and sixth season hasn’t been released yet (neither has the spinoff, based on The Testaments), I’ve got no specific viewing in mind. But there are so many platforms for her work now—videos, mini-series, TV series, films, theatre, podcasts, choral works—that’s there something for every mood. If you’re inspired to watch/listen/attend something: feel free to share those experiences as well.

I’ll have more thoughts as November nears, and meanwhile, if you’re looking for inspiration? Visit her Substack, her website, or check out the event’s accumulating posts from around the reading world.

Are you ready for MARM2023?